Apply for your
VA disability benefits

Our expert team guides you through the process of filing your VA claim to ensure you receive every dollar you deserve

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We assist all branches of service

US Army SealUS Air Force SealUS Coast Guard SealUS Marine Corps SealUS Navy SealUS Space ForceUSPHS SealNOAA Seal

How it works

We review your claim

We review your medical and service records to help you preparing your claim.

You submit it to the VA

Meanwhile, we help you prepare for the compensation and pension exams.

VA sends the decision

You receive your increase. If the outcome isn’t positive, we can re-file your claim.

Thousands of veterans helped

“VA Claims got my rating increased to 100% in less than 6 months. Their attention to detail and communication were excellent, and they took the time to listen to me, prepare and file everything, and guide me every step of the way.”

Bobby “Dusty” Rhodes

Major, US Marines (Ret.)

“The team at VA Claims, LLC knows what they’re doing. They handled all the paperwork and fought for me. Now I’m rated 100%.”

Jeanluc “Manboy” Mbonayo

Corporal, US Marines (Ret.)

“VA Claims got my rating increased, and the permanent extra income from that helps us finally live the way we want.”

Marg Leal

Sergeant, US Marines (Ret.)

“I’m so happy I chose to use VA Claims’ services, they helped me get benefits I didn’t even know existed!”

Mariusz Klekotko

US Marines (Ret.)

“VA Claims' team fought to get me an increased rating, and they will fight for you too.”

Mycal Hernandez

US Marines (Ret.)

“The team at VA Claims got me a huge increase, every veteran should use their service.”

Shane Purdue

US Marines (Ret.)